_______________________________________________________ The Ubyssey's annual sex issue is risqué buisness. We took a fresh approach to the art this year. Every year The Ubyssey publishes their annual sex issue. Generally what happens is all the editors pitch out quirky, provocative stories that more or less have to do with sex. The art ends up being generic photos of couples cuddling or, for the slightly more risqué editorial boards, it's the same with hints of nudity. In the past the art was criticized for being overly heteronormative and at times tasteless. This year all the art in the issue was supposed to be dripping with innuendo. The goal was to make people laugh and squirm with big photos and bold colours that would scream SEX! without actually saying it. Moreover, we took people completely out of the supplement--an entire issue about human sexuality without a single phyisical person in it. The result, postive feedback from readers and more than a few people blushing.